Celebrating Women’s Day at School

Revival Girls’ High School proudly celebrated International Women’s Day with a vibrant and impactful event dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. The day was marked by a series of tree planting activities, engaging students, staff, and the community in our commitment to preserving and enhancing our natural surroundings.

The event began with an inspiring address from our Head Teacher, who emphasized the importance of environmental stewardship and the role each of us plays in protecting our planet. Following the address, students enthusiastically participated in the tree planting ceremony, planting various indigenous tree species around the school grounds.

These new trees will not only beautify our campus but also contribute to cleaner air and a healthier ecosystem. The activity fostered a sense of responsibility and connection to nature among our students, reinforcing the values of conservation and sustainability.

We are proud of our students’ dedication to making a positive impact on the environment and look forward to continuing our efforts to promote a greener future. Together, we can make a difference!

#internationalwomen’sday #treeplanting #sustainability

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